Showing posts with label dj werd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dj werd. Show all posts

Monday, November 4, 2013

Audio: Sample Science 11 - Results

It is almost time to celebrate. For almost a year now DJ Werd, Amewu, Kenji451 and Trommel Tobi have been doing this lovely get-together of sample enthusiasts and beat makers in Berlin. The hype started at Atlas Pancakes and found a new home at Cafe Wendel now, where they are also doing their Turntable Tutorial every second Saturday.

Amongst the past participants have been many who are ready to drop their pants in front of an audience right after creation. Remember, it takes some balls to get a sample you never heard, chop it up in two hours and show it to a super critical expert audience. Just to name some of the most furious of the scene that certainly support this point with their well-know life skills are Dejoe, Hazeem, Flowin Immo, Taktloss, and lately also Yarah Bravo joined the reign of one-the-fly production with her latest beat featuring some serious Martin Luther King vocals.

Of course its also a place to discover some talents, and also meet people from various genres, since its the passion of samples and beats that unites, but of course its a lot of BummTschak as well!

So check out this weeks beats and feel free to give some love to the last 10 editions.

Keep it up dudes! We are really excited here where this is heading.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Video Taser: Rapohnelizenz Beat Tape 3

720p HD please.

On the of august our latest release is going to drop on tuesday the 14th of august.
"Rapohnelizenz Beat Tape 3" feat. Dj Werd,Dexter,Rejoicer,Beno Hendler,
Figub Brazlevic,Hippie Sabotage,Torky Tork,Grup Ses Beats,Kova,Mono:massive 

Vinyl Frontiers,Dj Geraet,Mortis One,Anatol Atonal,Keor Meteor and  Jimbo Matsumoto. 

video: Altakrass & Atarikid 
teaser beat: Hippie Sabotage (
cover artwork:

the blog:
the gang:

♥ Rapohnelizenz 

Friday, July 20, 2012

XXX: Raw Tapes Sounds @ Atlas Pancakes // 20.07.12

Raw Tapes: We have gathered some of our best artists and friends to this awesome evening of beats, rap and beers. And weed too.
We start early! 18:00 sharp.
Atlas Pancakes , Forster Strasse 5, 10999 Berlin.
Entrance is 1 euro.

Music and Beats by:

 * Plusga
* Bajka
* DJ Werd
* KerenDun (Buttering Trio)
* Rejoicer
* Hazeem
Rapohnelizenz & Raw Tapes & Shalomsalon & Mummed Records

Saturday, June 30, 2012


Oldschool Future by Figub Brazlevič

Am 30 Juni holen wir im Cafe Wendel das nach, was uns beim letzten Beatcase von Polizei und lieben Anwohnern '*`?`'`?'`?'?'$&/$§%"%§". Deshalb haben Dj Werd und wir in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Cafe Wendel einen neuen Termin und eine neue Location. The Beat. The Funk, The Good.
Eintritt ist wie immer real.

Wann: 30.06.12 // Ab 22 Uhr 


Figub Brazlevic 
DJ Werd 
Torky Tork 

Wo: Cafe Wendel Schlesische Straße 42 10997 Berlin Kreuzberg


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

XXX: Amewu - Democrazy // MP3

foto credit:
    Amewu - Democrazy // Download by rApohnelizenz

Download: Amewu - Democrazy // MP3

Dieser Song ist Amewus (Edit) Beitrag zu Dj Werds letztem Mixtape "Democrazy" gewesen. Das Mixtape das kritisch die politische Lage weltweit thematisiert, gibt es hier zum streamen und downloaden. (Ja auch in deiner Dackel-Schinken Landschaft gibt es Politik. Wörd drauf Katze.) Amewus selbst produzierter Track glänzt mit einem Hammer part und als ich ihn kürzlich getroffen habe, fragte ich ob er auf Rapohnelizenz zum Download verfügbar gemacht werden kann. Und ja, here you go. Amewu, ich schulde dir ein Geträäänk. Danke auch an den homie Dj Werd, am 18.Mai gibts dann das nächste "Whoop Whoop" Beatcase im Atlas Pancakes. Nähere Infos kommen baldigst.

(Amewu Interview hier Nachlesen)


ashraf aka. keinname aka rapohnelizenz.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

XXX: Today - BEATS N RECORDS (Multilayer Laden/Kotti)

Gestern beim Essen entschieden wir uns fuer eine Sponti, keine Sponti mit Jack Wolksin Klamotten wo man gegen eine Wand schreit, nein echte Diamanten Musik.

Geraet (CutCannibalz), DJ Werd (Phaderheadz), Rejoicer (Rawtapes), Mandy Mozart (Mummed), Ashraf (Mummed), Tork (Mummed)

Heute wunderschoen in einem Laden in Berlin. Multilayer, du Kotti! 22 Uhr. Wer puenktlich kommt zahlt Eintritt!

Shalom Salon

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Audio: Dj Werd - Democrazy // Mixtape

Pic by

Download: Dj Werd - Democrazy Mixtape

Berlin's own Dj Werd presents his latest mix called "Democrazy". The mix is dealing with the current situation in world politics and the associated momentousness. Great selection of critical tracks by the likes of Brother Ali, Immortal Technique, Amewu and Braintax. Let the silly clot blood flows!
