Send your free Leaks 2 rapohnelizenz @ !
RoL is a blog that is far from measuring up
to music journalists standards. Album re-
views? Hell no! RoL is not a music journalist
and doesn‘t want to be one either. RoL doesnt
claim to be critic or expert and doesn‘t want to
be mentioned in the same breath as all these
HipHop officers and Rap consultants. RoL is
not there to subjectively devaluate music and
RoL mostly quotes but also places products at
the disposal of the blog‘s visitors. By releasing
projects like the „Beasts of the Leaks“- mixtape
series (compiled of the RoL crews favorite free
leaks), the „RoL – The Beattape“ compilation
series (a series of the RoL crews favorite upco-
ming producers) and exclusive online releases
by talented beat makers, RoL clearly stands
out against other music blogs.
Visiting our blogs means trusting the taste of
our contributors and authors. Since most of
them come from a HipHop background the
content of the blog is mostly HipHop oriented.
Especially instrumental HipHop, Beatsmith
productions, TripHop, Future Beat, call it wha-
tever you want, is what interests us the most.
And of course we havent forgotten about our
good old friend Rap.
RoL is a blog that is far from measuring up
to music journalists standards. Album re-
views? Hell no! RoL is not a music journalist
and doesn‘t want to be one either. RoL doesnt
claim to be critic or expert and doesn‘t want to
be mentioned in the same breath as all these
HipHop officers and Rap consultants. RoL is
not there to subjectively devaluate music and
RoL accidentally came into being because of a
lot of boredom and even more love for music
with a 4x4 beat. The conglomerate consists of
Solo aka Ashraf Le Kool, Jimmy, Jones, Atzetol
aka Anatol Atonal, Hessit aka G.Netzer aka Gün-
ni K., Yackfou aka DrikkiMitDePanzerfaust and
Ipp. As part of the Weimar based ShalomSa-
lon entourage the blog has become more and
more popular and is now mostly being cont-
rolled via Berlin.
Considering the positive feedback, the stea-
dily growing number of like-minded users and
the gained standing, it is only natural that in
the future there will a growing demand for RoL
projects and our taste in music. Not only are
we going to continue our existing projects and
release-series, but we are also currently ex-
tending our blog network and are planing on
making the step from the realms of the cyber-
space to the real world. This means:
// Independent and limited re-releases of new
and old vinyl and tape releases
// Handcrafted events based on our releases
and around our experiences with the blog
// Just don’t take it all too seriously.