Showing posts with label geraet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label geraet. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Geraet | cutcannibalz: »Memonome« Stream/Download + Vinyl purchase

New instrumental album release outta RoL-Gäng!

Geraet (cutcannibalz) is dropping this 12 track LP. with just 24 minutes playtime. Hum. Actually way too short for a 'real' long player. But you know, call it a short player if you want to. Anyway, it seems like it has been a very dusty job to produce those beats. howling sax, not-in-tune bass, half-assed played synths all paired up with some tin-canish drum grooves and atmospheres, that are just carved to let you feel even worse when you sit there, alone at the bar starring at your cheap blended. Hey that sounds fun! Whoop!

»Memonome« is published on vinyl and as download (you can stream for free, download and order vinyl directly at [Geraets Bandcamp-Page]).

You might want to get some other records too anyway? In that case it's recommendable to order your copy via [Vinyl-Digital or [].

[] (Vinyl at
[] (Vinyl at Vinyl Digital)

Ey, btw.: there's also one lost rap song in the end of the album. It features Redrama form Finland. You still know that guy?

Pfeww. This is it for the next 3 month on this Blog.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Audio: Geraet | Cutcannibalz – »Grump« (Beattape – Stream + Download)

Some 'Homibusiness' for a change :)
Geraet from the Cutcannibalz-Djs just load up a new beat-tape which is more or less a sequel to his »Sampo«-tape. Basically the way of creating didn't change much – tools remained reduced, attitude kind of unpolished.This time there is a slightly bigger emphasis on cuts and scratches though ...

Download for free (type in 0.-) on bandcamp
or direct Download from mediafire

"Grump isn’t a nice guy. Actually he’s a pain in everybody’s ass. Formerly he was known by the name of “Sampo” and was a nice creature from the woods – until he moved to the city and decided to stay. The city cocked him up: cheap beer, peppermint liquor, pot, mdma and cheap amphetamines, electro-raves and poorly performed rap-concerts, doddle girls … Grump works as a shaby call-center agent for a fucked up shoe mail-order. Grump is never sober, doesn’t have a life scheme and pretends he isn’t giving a damn about anything (actually he is though). Slowly he became a bitter cynic and a disgusting smart-aleck wisenheimer. Every now and then, Grump is helping out Geraet building some beats half-assed (he thinks he’s got some talent but it’s just unnoticed yet). These instrumentals is the outcome of their sessions .. "

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Video: Verrückte Hunde - Gerri Baut Die Bouncer (Album »Tohuwabohu« am 30.5.)

Unsere Kumpels der Verrückten Hunde haben ein neues Video. Beat rumpelt, Rap und Cuts on point. Ohne viel Schnick-Schnack.

Der Song ist die erste Video-Auskopplung aus dem am 30.05.2014 über Keep It Movin' erscheinenden Doppel-Vinyl "TOHUWABOHU".


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Audio: Verrückte Hunde - 1 : 1 = 1 - Remix Shit

Unsere verrückten Hundefreunde haben es vollbracht ihr letztes Album komplett remixen zu lassen... und es ist dickkk geworden! Schauen Sie sich nur einmal die Gästeliste an: Kallsen,Torky Tork, Chillig, Mortis One, Seize Beats, Geraet, Kova, Marcus B., Doze, Mecstreem, Al Dente, Lump & Fetterjunge, Shur Beats und Khromov Armageddon.
Einfach mal play drücken und dann hier den Vergleich zum älteren Model ziehen.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

XXX: Rapohnelizenz Beat Tape 3 // Full Album

Since Rapohnelizenz Beat Tape Vol. 1 and 2 took us a while to finish, issue No. 3 was an even longer journey. A huge folder with over 150 beats from several different countries had to be sorted out. It took tons of patience and a whole lot of love for beats to finally make this possible. Thanks to all the producers, artists and friends for all the support.  We are already working on our next release which will be on vinyl too. For the moment please enjoy our Beat Tape Vol. 3. We think it is really diverse and features some of the illest producers out there. We are really proud having all those nice and uncomplicated people featured. Much respect to you all. Its all about the Funk, the Beats and the Love. Stay tuned for more. We´re starting to cook things up right here at If you want to support us with our first vinyl release you can donate/name your price. Much ♥!

Mastering by Kalimist

1000 ♥ for &

Saturday, June 30, 2012


Oldschool Future by Figub Brazlevič

Am 30 Juni holen wir im Cafe Wendel das nach, was uns beim letzten Beatcase von Polizei und lieben Anwohnern '*`?`'`?'`?'?'$&/$§%"%§". Deshalb haben Dj Werd und wir in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Cafe Wendel einen neuen Termin und eine neue Location. The Beat. The Funk, The Good.
Eintritt ist wie immer real.

Wann: 30.06.12 // Ab 22 Uhr 


Figub Brazlevic 
DJ Werd 
Torky Tork 

Wo: Cafe Wendel Schlesische Straße 42 10997 Berlin Kreuzberg


Thursday, March 29, 2012

XXX: Today - BEATS N RECORDS (Multilayer Laden/Kotti)

Gestern beim Essen entschieden wir uns fuer eine Sponti, keine Sponti mit Jack Wolksin Klamotten wo man gegen eine Wand schreit, nein echte Diamanten Musik.

Geraet (CutCannibalz), DJ Werd (Phaderheadz), Rejoicer (Rawtapes), Mandy Mozart (Mummed), Ashraf (Mummed), Tork (Mummed)

Heute wunderschoen in einem Laden in Berlin. Multilayer, du Kotti! 22 Uhr. Wer puenktlich kommt zahlt Eintritt!

Shalom Salon

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Audio: Suff Daddy - Twisted feat. Vertual Vertigo // Taps on You feat. Dj Geraet

Since today  you can listen and buy some new stuff from Suff Daddys new album coming in May this year. A-Side features a song by Vertual Vertigo which is actually already a year old but as good as it was back then.
On the flipside Suff is featuring Dj Geraet from the cutcannibalz-Gäng for some extraordinarily dope Dj-Track. An amazing evidence of what djing actually is REALLY about:  
 Gettin drunk n stuff. (börp..)

If you wanna grap a copy of the 7inch better be quick! Here or there.

Michael Ammer

Monday, January 30, 2012

Mix: Geraet (Cutcannibalz) - Bruce Willis

Just because Bruce asked to get a mix to pump in his whip... here you go, Bruce. Some funky tunes compiled by Geraet. Non genre. Some Rap, Groove, Breakbeat, Raggae, Beats even Iskelmä... No shame.

Michael Ammer

Friday, January 20, 2012

XXX: Whoop Whoop Beatcase mit Geraet, Torky Tork und Kova Freitag 20.01 im Multilayer Laden

Freitagsprogramm im Multilayer Laden:

Beatsets von: TORK, KOVA, GERAET.

Dj's: ALTA KRASS & Jones, Dj Kool Herpes & G-Rahyd
+ Cartoon Schau von Meikel Neid vom Bildwerfer
+ speziellem Spezial Rap-Gast Eintritt frei! (Spende wer will)

BEATSETS WERDEN BEREITS UM 21 UHR ANFANGEN UND BIS ca.23 UHR VORBEI SEIN. -> Früh kommen erwünscht!! Im Anschluss Djeeletten!


Saturday, December 31, 2011

Exclusive: Geraet | Cutcannibalz - Sampo (11 Track Beat-Album)

Here we go again!
After the first Video from last week finally SAMPO  a Beat-Album from Geraet of the Cutcannibalz drops right now! 11 Tracks whittled from rich Finnish Tango and 'Iskelmä'-Samples with crunchy Drumsets. The appearance of the Tracks are underlined by an utterly beautiful artwork by Meikel Neid.

 Check all Infos and Download options after the jumpy..

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Video: The Fly Ball event footage

Nice footage of the THE FLY BALL event. Need more events like this in germany. This scene with the breakdancing girl over the Dibia$e beat is nuts. To all the Berlin homies, dont miss the next "BeatGeeks" events featuring Twit One, Lazy Jones, Geraet and of course the hosts LeBob & Suff Daddy.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Video: Geraet - The Others (official video)

The second video work of Geraets 'Sampo' Beat-Album which was released last week here. Don't expect anything glorious to happen in this video. It just seems the rabbit knows about dubious hanky-panky going on amongst David Hasselhoff, David Patreus and Sponge Bob...  (original video by Whitney Lynn)
If you haven't seen the first video of the album, you can catch up and help to heal the world!
(get the full album here, still and foreverevereverever:


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Video: Geraet | Cutcannibalz - Wasser ('Sampo' Beat-Album Teaser)

Here it comes: 'Wasser', the first Beat of the 'Sampo' Beat-Album by Geraet (Cutcannibalz) dropping on Sept.14.2011 here, at Rapohnelizenz! (Video by Hannah Harkes)
The Video is kind of unexpected and odd. Have a look!

While cutting down trees as a Lumberjack in north european forests, Geraet used his Wurstbrot-breaks to compile an utmost sturdy Beattape in his coat-pocket whilst watching swimmers at the lake pretending to be ostriches. Dusty Finnish-Tango samples tripping over wooden MPC-Drumsets. Get the whole Beattape here in one week and see the wonderful Cover-Artwork below (illustrated by Meikel Neid)


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Audio: Geraet - LargePro - Hardcore // Geraet Remix // Large Professor // MP3

LargePro Hardcore-HipHop-Remix by Geraet

This is a dope & banging of Large Professors "Hardcore" by Geraet. Pump this or got banged. More Beats and Remixes via soundcloud.
