Raw Tapes: We have gathered some of our best artists and friends to this awesome evening of beats, rap and beers. And weed too.
We start early! 18:00 sharp.
Atlas Pancakes , Forster Strasse 5, 10999 Berlin.
Entrance is 1 euro.
Music and Beats by:
* Plusga
* Bajka
* DJ Werd
* KerenDun (Buttering Trio)
* Rejoicer
* Hazeem
Rapohnelizenz & Raw Tapes & Shalomsalon & Mummed Records
these cats from new zealand contacted me through bandcamp. what they don`t know is that we have a blog, too. let`s see if they discover this little bit of extra advertising for them. when i started listening to the album i thought it`s a bit too hippy for me, but once you get to track 6 (that you can hear above) everything changes. i don`t know what you guys do since we stopped recording tapes for our misses like 10 to 5 years ago? i just dump everything into the "miss_girlfriend_folder" - since amy can`t sing no more cause her lips hurt so bad (read that in on of my girlfriends gossipzines) Bajka can make your girlfriend warble along, i promise. this is for the ladies.
album comes in a limited edition vinyl, but listening doesn`t cost a thing