Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Audio: Beat-Maker-Beat - Soul Food Music (raw drafts)

<a href="http://spacekid.bandcamp.com/album/soul-food-music-raw-drafts">Soul Food Music (raw drafts) by Beat-Maker-Beat aka Space Kid</a>

Followers of the R.O.L. blog knows about Beat Maker Beat (Spacekid) and how much we like his work. Soul Food Music is a Mashup of his beats from 2006 till 2009. Enjoy that fresh russian Beat Cat and purchase the album if you like it.


1 comment:

  1. Geil. Neuer BMB-Stuff, der Typ ist derbe!
    Aber Ekrem hatte neulich doch auch schon so eine Beat-Compliation von dem Dude, das hier: http://77e.org/music/bmb-aka-space-kid-newold-raw-drafts-pt-2/

    Ist aber was Anderes, huh? Werde das mal checken und mir den Kram dann kaufen...
