Here is my first project called: The Change. It's 10 songs, came out 2006 and was my first step into the public circuit of hip hop. Every song was produced by KNO of cunninlynguists. Early on it was especially difficult to find producers to work with and Kno who was (and still is) one of my favorite producers in the game made a collection of instrumentals called "Excrementals". I stumbled upon it and in my naivete decided only to use beats from that collection. If I had to do over again, I wouldn't have made that decision without clear permission from Kno but whats done is done and I am proud of my effort. For those that know of Kno and cunninlynguists - I hope you like it! And I hope this story clears things up. And for those that don't know of Kno and CL, if you like this, you will love them and I ask that you go check em out. They are amazing and I believe in giving credit where its due and Kno deserves all the credit in the world for being such a talented procuder. It has a special place in my heart because everything was so new and exciting for me. Its also great for people that have just learned of me and my music to see how I've developed as an artist. And for everyone that has been listening from then to now who always ask where they can get it.... HERE IT IS!!
I hope you take some time to download it and listen.
Myspace Kublakai
Dope Dope!No Comment!Download That!Advise: Listen to "They"
Your antifamous SOLO
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