Monday, September 30, 2013

Chrome Sparks - Sparks EP

Having marijuana on repeat for 2 weeks now. thanks for the good stuff. jo!
name your price.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Torky Tork - PR110 // Full Album Stream

Download & Purchase: Torky Tork - PR110

Proud of our Brudi Torky Tork and his first album on vinyl. We have been part of it, from the first sample (back in Weimar) until it dropped on wax today. Support a Beat-Lovey-Dovey and purchase the album. PR110 combines heavy MPC drum patterns with a flood of crazy, funky, dusty samples from an old DDR series called Polizeiruf 100. Prost! Be Kool!


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Mortis - Engelsstaub // Der goldene Käfig EP

Wir gratulieren Brudi Mortis zum Deal mit Showdown Records, aber vor allem zur ersten Single. Mein Viertel ist schön aber hässlich. Amen. "Der goldene Käfig" erscheint am 8.11.13. Dran bleiben, oder drauf bleiben, ist alles locker easy.



The real Montana gang aka MTN, is diligent lately. MTN diaries 2 just dropped and here is one of the latest installments - > HARDCORE ON TOUR. CHAPTER 1. Enjoy a ride with OTP'S and DRN'S crews from Madrid. More infos click this link.


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Iamnobodi - Elevated // Album Preview

Iam deeply diving into Iamnobodi's music. I met him randomly some weeks ago in Berlin and we had some beers in our hood. with Suffy, Tork and Hazeem. Now you have the chance to check the first previews on his debut album "Elevated" which is released by the Soulection gang. Pre-order the vinyl version right here. Spread some love, so spread the word.


Grifter's Code: Episode 2 - What crisis? // Boris from Bulgaria

If you are not familiar with Boris, so its time to introduce him. Just press play above. This episode shows his impressions and experiences with a spray Gang from Greece :). This project is mad fun if you ask me. And dont forget to visit // Go Boris°°


Action Bronson X Telemachus - Get Off The PeePee // Albanian Horror Remix

I hope i got it right, but ok, this is a remix of the remix of  "Get off the PeePee" which appeared on "Telemachus" Mixtape "Wordplay Sessions 3". enjoy this banger and support one of my super favorite producers by purchasing his mixtape right here. Salut Chemo!


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

DLTLLY - Rap Battle - Hansen vs Kurzer Prozess

Oft sterbe ich ja vor Fremdscham bei diesen Events, aber bei diesem Battle war dies definitiv nicht der Fall. Ein spannender Kampf auf Augenhöhe.
An dieser Stelle Respekt an beide Rapper und Props an die Jungs von DLTLLY.


Graffiti: Taps & Moses - QUINTA ESSENTIA

Video: Zorn
Music: Pleq & Nebulo - Codeinconnu


Keor Meteor - Videomatic EP

French producer Keor Meteor presents his seventh release in 2013. Soulful samples, big drum sets and a load of vocal snippets. His new project with "Light The MC", named Meteor Lightz coming right after this.
Download or Name your Price on Bandcamp.


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Audio: Prof.Logik's Relief Compilation / Beat Tape

We already know Mr. Logik is a beast when it comes to smoked out beats and appreciate the great music that comes out of his studio, but now he needs your support.  

This Relief Compilation for Prof.Logik was put together by a bunch of talented producer to help in assist in helping Prof.Logik get his home studio(interior and Exterior) damages which was caused by flood damage resulting in almost the lost of his entire studio but with help from donation's via Paypal prof.Logik has been able to replace some of the equipment that was lost during the flood.Prof.Logik still needs everyone's support so that he can get back to creating music for everyone to enjoy.


Video: LMNO - Dyslexic (Prod.By Evidence)

I have been wanting to cut my hair off for ages.
Now I will do it. Thanks to these two, right?
LMNO`s album is out now and it`s the shit!


Stream: Quelle Chris - Super Fuck

I feel super fucked and it feels super fucking good. Just like Quelle Chris`s new album coming Oct. 29th. Peace. jimmmy

Friday, September 20, 2013

Graffy Graff: KCBR - Live Life Like

This graff video from Zurich (CH) represents the KCBR crew and is full of super styles and funny actions.
A Double Wholecar Penis run into a Clit Bridge. A mega tampon gets bloody while the train is on tracks. A COLORS chrome panel get coloured later with Egg Colour Bombs. Shits is really nuts!


Rino Mandingo & Jay Spaten - Schwesternmacher EP (Video)

Weiter geht es in die zweite Runde zur "Schwesternmacher EP" von Rino Mandingo. Heute erwartet uns ein Instrumental von Jay Spaten, der ein Teil der Schaufel und Spaten Formation ist, und ein paar Bilder von Dalai Limba.

Die EP erwartet uns am 2. Oktober und kann bei HHV absofort bestellt werden. Sie erscheint auf 100 Kassetten und wurde von Wankers With Attitude produziert.

Nächsten Donnerstag gibt es dann den letzten Teaser.

DIBIA$E - PROgressions

Dibiase: Just wanted to showcase a variety of styles from the dusty loops, boom bap ,samba and footwork. There's much more dimensions to my sound then 8 bit cartridge beats. So I felt the title PROgressions fit this project perfect.

Always good to have fresh new material from Dibiase in the speakers. Enjoy the new EP and support good music. Purchase link right here.


Thursday, September 19, 2013


 Salomon Faye & Enasni Leber - Hopeless Romantic : THEillUZiO:

Always nice to see fresh Rap cats catching our courtesy. Download Alchemy right here. Curious
whats coming next. dope.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Rejoicer & Bajka - Compared To What

Love this new tune by Rejoicer and Baijka. Hope to see my Gee Yuv soon again.
Mummed Raw Tapes.

Original version by Les McCann
Lyrics by Eugene McDaniels
Vox by Bajka
Beat by Rejoicer
Mastering - Asaf Shay


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Pusha T feat. Kendrick Lamar: Nosetalgia (Prod. by Nottz)

This is a hell of track. Verses, Beat, this is golden. Nostealgia appears on Pusha T's new album “My Name Is My Name”. Puuh, cant wait. VIA


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Melodiesinfonie - Feed My Mind With Love Pt. II feat. Maloon TheBoom // Swacle EP

Yeah, this is it. Dope one Melooons. The new ep of Melodiesinfonie and Maloon TheBoom is out now on Bandcamp! Melo & Maloon - Swacle Ep


Nefarious! - The Dream Theory

Wow, this is übadope. The Dream Theory dropped back in april 2012, was sleeping on this.
Enjoy a seven tracks EP of beatmaking at a high level. Get your Nef!


Radio Juicy Vol. 66 (the 4 rim ryde by Hubert Daviz)

By this time the "Radio Juicy" gang released issue nr. 66. This episode features Hurbert Daviz and is definitly the soundtrack for the next car ride with Yassin (and his BMW 3) and Torky. ->


Friday, September 13, 2013

Rejoicer - Recollection // Raw Tapes

Rejoicer: Recollection is the pathway to self-reflection. The explaining of memories as in form of "talking to one's self". Searching deep into life's quiet moments. To find joy gained by experience. 

Iam really late with this post but i dont want to deforce this amazing collection of Rejoicer songs. Get trippy with 12 versatile songs with guest appearances by Baijka, KerenDun and Rotem Or.


Ninjato - Dream

Ninjato's "Dream" appeared on Caoutchou Records "Rubber Beats vol. I" which has been released some days go. If you missed the full Sampler give it a try right here. For more Ninjato beats check his soundcloud page. whoofel.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Blu & Jabee - The adventures of Mud Bone the cartoon

Jabee, fresh off the "Run the Jewels" tour with EL-P and Killer Mike, teams with Blu to release "The Adventures of Mud Bone the cartoon" a maxi single project produced byBlu


Sadi Gent - Lebensmüde // Bis Dato

Letzte Woche habe ich Sadi Gent als Vorgruppe von Imbiss Bronco live gesehen und
fand ihn super fri$sh. Im Anschluss dank Brudi Yassin das Album gehört und ebenfalls für gut befunden. Top Songs für mich: Isso & Lebensmüde. Das Album kann man hier kofen. Wer ein junges Talent supporten will und kann sollte sein Taschengeld hier lassen. Ansonsten Youtuben oder son Schmutz.


Caoutchou Records - Rubber Beats vol. IV

Caoutchou Records

Once again we've gathered 20 artists from around the globe for our yearly Rubber Beats compilation! The result is an eclectic assembly of challenging music with an edge: from skweee, trap, juke and glitch-hop to jazz, indie and electronica. 


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Deltron 3030 - City Rising From the Ashes EP

Full Ep Stream

Die intergalaktischen Freedom Fighter von Deltron 3030 veröffentlichen im Vorfeld ihres kommenden Albums „Event II“ die „City Rising From The Ashes EP“ zum kostenlosen Stream auf Soundcloud und YouTube. Master-Lyricist Del The Funky Homosapien, Turntable-Virtuose DJ Kid Koala und Superproducer Dan „The Automator“ Nakamura berichten aus einer fiktiven Zukunft im Jahr 4010, in der mächtige Oligarchen und Konzerne die Weltbevölkerung unterjochen. Während eine unter Waffen stehende Menschheit in ihrer weitestgehend zerstörten Umwelt ums nackte Überleben kämpft, beschließt eine kleine Gruppe Söldner den Kampf mit der Macht aufzunehmen. Damit knüpft das Dreamteam hinter dem Gorillaz Megahit „Clint Eastwood” dort an, wo sie mit ihrem selbstbetitelten Debütalbum, einem avantgardistisch-politischen Outer-Space-Epos und anerkannten Klassiker der HipHop-Geschichte, vor 13 Jahren aufhörten. Die „City Rising From The Ashes EP“ featuret 3 Tracks des kommenden Albums „Event II“, das am 27.09.2013 über Bulk Recordings/Caroline/Universal erscheint. Auf „Event II” begrüßt das Trio Gäste wie Damon Albarn (Blur, Gorillaz), Zack De La Rocha (Rage Against The Machine), Mike Patton (Faith No More) und viele weitere.


Rino Mandingo - Schwesternmacher EP [Video]

Na Diggi?! Auch keinen Bock mehr, dass alle deine Mutter ficken wollen? Rino Mandingo bietet eine interessante Alternative an: Schwestern machen!! - Moment, dann fickt man doch auch….?! Egal….

Der Wahlberliner, der schon länger als Casper in Berlin wohnt, meldet sich nach zweijähriger Abstinenz zurück - diesmal aber nicht mit einem schüchternen Klopfen, sondern mit einem breiten Grinsen und deutlich mehr Volumen im Gehänge!

 "Schwesternmacher" kommt mit 9 Anspielstationen ( + zwei reinen Instrumentalen) daher.
Verantwortlich für den musikalischen Unterbau sind Sterio, Dramadigs, Jay Spaten und Stevo, der auch "Bridget Haze" (2011) maßgeblich geprägt hat. Die einzigen Gastvocals kommen von Bjorn Eric Schaufel, Cutrock steuert sämtliche Cuts bei.
Zum Schwesternmacher sind schon zwei Videos ausgekoppelt worden, drei Teaser sollen noch erscheinen.

Veröffentlicht wird das auf Tape und digital erscheinende Werk via "Wankers With Attitude" am 2. Oktober und kann ab sofort auf "" vorbestellt werden.

 Man darf gespannt sein! - auch wenn man kein Einzelkind ist….

Shop: HHV und Bandcamp

Insightful - Angled Face Shapes

Our very own Insightful is so diverse with the beats. This dude can literally hit every BPM and energy seamlessly. He sent us this a few weeks ago and we knew this one had to be shared with you. He layered his bass infused beat with Big Sean's vocals from 'Dance (A$$)' and pretty much created a whole new song. This is that festival music. This is one of those tracks that DJs and producers will go out of their way to peak at your screen and want to know what it is. Insightful has a new album coming out next month (October 17, 2013) called "Elsewhere". Make sure to stay tuned for that. It's on a whole other feel good vibe, trust.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Nutso & Dj Low Cut - In The Cut

After several collaborations on their respective projects ("NY Minute" and "France's Finest NY Minute Remix" of Dj Low Cut and mixtapes "Bangtime" and "Mr. Collabo"of Nutso) both fellows decided to work on a common project: "In The Cut". Still inspired by mid-90s New York hip-hop, this Ep is produced entirely by Dj Low CutNutso is not alone behind the microphone since you’ll found many guest appearances as Smiley The Ghetto Child, Rasheed Chappell, Dirt Platoon, Timeless Truth, Nems, FT, AG da Coroner and C-Rayz Walz.


Paper Tiger - Sonic Boom Head Zoom

On October 28th Paper Tiger will release their long awaited debut album 'Laptop Suntan' on Wah Wah 45s.
After a collection of head-turning EPs, featuring collaborations with leftfield electronic and hip-hop artists including Foreign Beggars, Homeboy Sandman, Joshua Idehen, Archie Pelago and more, the time for their full-length project has finally arrived.


Monday, September 2, 2013

Video: Torky Tork - Das vegessene Labor (1984) // PR110

Neues Video vom Homie Torky Tork. Diesmal wird gesoffen bis die Polizei kommt.
Die Platte "PR110" kommt am 27.09. und ihr könnt sie hier bei MPM, HHV oder Vinyl-Digital bestellen.
Hier kann man schon mal reinhören und hier geht es zu einem anderen PR110-Video.
