Thursday, December 15, 2011

Video: Mr. Green "Live from the Streets" featuring Neil and Tim

Always good when a new Mr. Green episode drops. Really looking forward to the final result of this album he's working on. By the way, everybody has a chance to submit his vocals, the best entries will be finally part of this project. Check all conditions here. yO


"Back in September, on the same day that we linked up with Brenda,
we also met a couple traveling musicians with matching hats named
Neil and Tim. They were on a road trip/tour across the country to
spread their music and were cool enough to play us a cover of
one of their favorite pop songs 'Halo'.

In case you don't know, I'm producing a full 'Live from the Streets'
hip hop album. I'm really excited because most of the guest MC's
that we've had on the show so far will be rapping on the album .

Right now what I want to do is give everybody a chance to be
on the album alongside some of the most important names in
underground hip hop and music in general. Starting now,
we're having a contest, and all you have to do to enter is
record a song over the "Halo" beat from this episode and
send it to us at

Here's what you have to do, go to
scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and click on the
free download link for 'Halo'. Then, record your best song over the
beat, it can be written, freestyle or whatever you want. You can do a
rap, sing r&b or reggae, or even play instruments over it, as long as you
add a piece of yourself to the beat, we will accept the entry... After you
record, send the mp3 or video link to with
the subject "Halo". We will be accepting submissions up until March
21'st 2012. After that, Sam and I are going to listen to each and every
submission and then announce the announce the winners on
the 30th of April. We will pick one winner to be featured on
the official "Live from the Streets" album as well as 5 runners
up who will receive a t shirt and a copy of the LFTS album.

Good luck,
-Mr. Green"

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