Thursday, May 13, 2010


Kutmah was born in the UK to an Egyptian mother and Scottish father. He moved to the US with hismother when he was 12 years old. They immediately applied for US residency to keep them from being sent to Egypt.
The US court ruled that as a British citizen he would be able to live in the UK and denied their application.

Kutmah and his Mom returned to court to plead their case 14 years ago when Kutmah was 20. They were againdenied a green card and were urged to sign a document stating they would voluntary leave the US.On Wednesday morning, May 5th armed agents entered Kutmah's house and detained him. He was brought to a facility in downtown LA where he was interrogated. On Thursday he was moved to New Mexico. We need to show how important Kutmah is to the LA and US community. Please write a letter and spread the word!

Please customize the letter below and send it ASAP to
Gaby Hernandez:

To Whom it May Concern:Justin McNulty is a highly talented artist, DJ and music producer who is a beloved member of the Los Angeles creative community.For well over a decade he has devoted his substantial skills to the betterment of our community through positive, artistic actions.Mr. McNulty has selflessly donated his time and exceptional talents to numerous charitable and non-profit causes. He has garnered worldwide acclaim through these efforts based in the United States.Mr. McNulty’s individual community arts service is a testament to modern philanthropy. In an age when institutional funding is slim he has taken personal action to better our country by inspiring its citizens through progressive cultural outreach.I fully support Justin McNulty’s right to stay in the United States and urge your positive and swift action in this matter. His deportation would be a devastating loss to Los Angeles and the American arts.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

The Undersigned

- Sign the Petition
- LA Times Article

Es wäre eine schöne Geste sich die Zeit zu nehmen und die Petition zu unterschreiben.Unabhängig davon wen es trifft,ist es immer ein trauriges Schicksal wenn sich Menschen in Abschiebehaft befinden und von einem Tag auf den anderen aus ihrem Leben gerissen werden um auf ihre "Deportation" ins Ungewisse zu warten.Faschistische Gesetze sind es, die Staaten sich immer wieder zu eigen machen um durch Machtwillkür und Staatsgewalt, die Freiheit und Individualität des Einzelnen mit Füßen zu treten.Demokratie ist Dackelblut!Eine Petition ist zwar nur ein Tropfen auf dem heißen Stein aber auch hier lautet die Devise "Die Hoffnung stirbt zu letzt".// Wir bitten euch keine Fake Email Adressen zu benutzen,da die Unterzeichnung später bestätigt werden muss.Danke für eure Zeit!


Low End Theory 11: Gaslampkiller & Kutmah

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