“The Adventures of Telemachus” is a short series of mixtapes in the run up to the “Telemachus – In The Evening” album. Volume 1 was released on 4th April 2011 shortly after the release of ‘Scarecrows ft. Roc Marciano’. The tracks selected range from Hip-Hop to Nigerian High Life to Reggae to Psychedelic Rock. It is a collection of songs that Telemachus likes. He thinks you should like them too. If you dont like them there is a good chance that you may have some issues with your hearing and you should probably have it checked out sooner rather than later. So if anything, you can simply use this collection of songs as a means of testing whether your ears are in good shape.
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“The Adventures of Telemachus” is a short series of mixtapes in the run up to the “Telemachus – In The Evening” album. Volume 1 was released on 4th April 2011 shortly after the release of ‘Scarecrows ft. Roc Marciano’. The tracks selected range from Hip-Hop to Nigerian High Life to Reggae to Psychedelic Rock. It is a collection of songs that Telemachus likes. He thinks you should like them too. If you dont like them there is a good chance that you may have some issues with your hearing and you should probably have it checked out sooner rather than later. So if anything, you can simply use this collection of songs as a means of testing whether your ears are in good shape.
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