BoomBaptist. I'm a Beat Fanatic member and have released a beat tape. I really just want people to hear my music. I have been making music for 13 years, am from Austin, Texas and love producing on the MPC/writing. I have worked with Nike on commercials and such artists as Large Pro, Termanology, Blackalicious, and more.
Dynamic "Beat Tape" by "BoomBaptist".Hard MPC drums with nice selected Samples,with a Touch of that Avantgarde Development and smth. between soft and heavy.Not all Instrumentals flashed me,but the most of them made me interested.hoohoooo.Many Gimmicks in Beat Structure.New and cräzy arrangements in some parts.Play!
The homie BoomBaptist released his latest and final issue of his "The Lost Files" series. Number 4 represents his MPC work from 2007 to 2009. Dope as is usual. Purchase here.
Last time i told you that some things are still in progress, so it will take some more days until the compilation drops. The release date is fixed now for next week Wednesday or Thursday. For the moment ->: a gaming console beat by crazy kid Boombaptist. Dude will be featured with 2 bangers. "Rapohnelizenz Beat Compilation" is the working title. We will see what happens.YO°° (Boombaptist Twizzer)
info/edit: Preview tracks will not be on the compilation, for the simple reason that some Dudes sent several beats and the heavy-weights will be on the Comp.!Stay Tuned
ABJO - The Lounge
BOOMBAPTIST - Toucan Wing:
BMB aka Space Kid - Dillagalaxy:
Im not a big friend of all that Dilla comps every year, but these assortment by our london homie Hypedog is pure NUT$. Im sure you know some of them already. With the likes of BeatMakerBeat, ABjo, Samiyam, Dibiase and more of the usual suspects.
(Visit the Hypedog Bandcamp for the Download)
The homie Boombaptist shares freshness. The Lost Files Vol. 1 represents material which is produced between 2003-2005 and never been released. Nice to get stuff of his early days. Support good music and cop that album.
01. Meditation (Intro) 02. 1, 2 Play 03. Raw (For My People) 04. If Fire Was A Beat (Blue Flame) 05. Dedication (Motherlude) 06. The Knowing 07. Dead Serious (Killing The Radio) 08. Prayer(s) 09. Dirty Hum 10. Requiem For A Choked Dream
Short bio : Been doing music since 1996, no major release except this beat meditation serie and a previous electronic beats called "a soul has no shape"((Download "A Soul has no Shape").I'm a beat fanatic, hiphop head beeing travelling the world since first grade : Austria, France but originally from Tunisia North Africa. Also split personnality with MC BAZ, preping new/first mixtape the 6th sens to be released this summer with productions from Rouh, DJ Vons (France), NoShape, CenzoBeatz (Germany), Wizard, Boombaptist, Constrobuz... Hope you'll enjoy the listen.
Peace 1
Ein schönes entspanntes Beat Tape von "Rouh",wenn ich mich recht entsinne steht "Rouh" für den arabischen Begriff "Seele".Das aktuelle Album ist sicherlich mehr dem Soul-feeling gewidmet im Gegensatz zum vorherigen Release "A Soul has no Shape",welches verspielter und vuilleicht sogar hungriger war.Nichts destotrotz lassen sich beide Releases nur schwer vergleichen weil sie scheinbar unterschiedliche Attitüden haben."A Beat Meditation" klingt letztendlich satter und wärmer mit Wattebässen und runderen Arrangements.Beide lohnenswert und gut hörbar.In der Mail wurde von "Rouh" darauf hingewiesen, das es schon auf einigen Blogs zu finden ist,was uns im Endeffekt nicht interessiert,da wir keine Unternehmung sind die sich an Märkten orientiert,oder besser orientieren muß.Umso schöner ist es wenn die Künstler uns kontaktieren und ihre Produktionen mit uns teilen.In diesem Sinne:Runterladen.Spaß haben.
Uk producer Jon Phonics peeped me his new stuff, a new song and the new video-cast of Louis Den Beat Cypher with Jaisu,S-Type,Mr Figz,Jon Phonics,Muneshine (you may hit this before at homie Ekrems site). JPhonics new instrumental is sick, nice dragging drums encased by synthie squads and samples. Dude has been on our "R.O.L. Beat Tape" and the girls in the house were we live, always choose Jon Phonics, Xperiment-Beats and BoomBaptist for the dance-rush-hour. yeah. The video is from the latest Louis Den Beat Cypher and if you ask me, all Dudes pumping good beats, but look whos making the audience dancing! p.s. We got some more dope stuff by Jon Phonics on the Blog..Click the Link!
Resonate family published this amazing compilation in celebration of their 2nd anniversary. Two years of monthly events dedicated to the evolution of dirty beat science. The compilation features a number of Resonate guests and residents, cats like mndsgn, Jonwayne, Boombaptist, Dibiase, Al_PD and many more. Play the whole album and get your free copy after the jump.
Nice to hear Yelawolf and on such beats, fellah needs to make this more often. Kydd and Yela fitting good together on that A.B.T. production. Thx 2 Boombaptist & Thafixx! Also check Kydd's "Sounds In My Head Part I" album. --**--