Showing posts with label repeat pattern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label repeat pattern. Show all posts

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Audio: Gergaz Netlabel - Beat Garden Compilation

Some fresh instrumental joints right here, with the likes of "Proflogik", "Anthony Drawn", "Moon", "Ta-ku" and many more. Compilation published by sound collective Gergaz from Slovakia. Get further informations about the project and the full stream + download after the jump.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Audio: WAVEFORM - Various Artists // FreeForm Records

Here we have the first compilation by FreeForm Records. WAVEFORM features some talents out the upcoming Beat-scene. Participants are Cats like Proflogik, Mndsgn, Ta-Ku and Repeat Pattern. Really enjoyed this after the first hit. Stream the album after the jump.


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Audio: Sunrise Choir Japan Compilation // BADMINTON CLUB - ICHIRO

BADMINTON CLUB - ICHIRO_ remix / SUPALUGA from moda on Vimeo.

Thx to Cascade Records for sending this nice "Sunrise Choir" compilation, representing the  Japanese Beat/Rap scene this days. Nice to see homie Bugseed on it but either way its filled with dope names im familiar with owing to soundcloud like  Ichiro or Repeat Pattern. "BADMINTON CLUB - ICHIRO_ remix / SUPALUGA" is the official video and hella dope BTW. The comp will be available on 15/06/201.