Showing posts with label Un PIOU PIOU parmi tant d'autres. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Un PIOU PIOU parmi tant d'autres. Show all posts

Friday, December 2, 2011

Audio: Alaclair Ensemble - Le roé c'est moé // Album

Peeped "Alaclair Ensemble" some days ago via Kidkanevil's Birditter. Alaclair Ensemble is a group of artists from canada enriching my speakers with a bunch of good music. "Le roé c'est moé" is one the best hip hop projects i heard recently, prodcutions are insane (Raps fitting dope, but seriously i dont understand french). Make sure you download "Un PIOU PIOU parmi tant d'autres" also, album is full elusive beats. Im not sure if i got all specific informations right, so i have to let you alone with the hunt. All important links: & Alaclair Bandcamp. Artists: accrophone, bosslab, bueller, k. mcdermott, k6a, korey hart, m.i.m.s., maybe wats, phelipe sd, s. l'hérault, subv & word up.
