Showing posts with label THE HATE DESTROYER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label THE HATE DESTROYER. Show all posts

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Video: THE HATE DESTROYER (Demo-version)

THE HATE DESTROYER (Demo-version) from Fotogramma25 on Vimeo.

Granny eliminates Nazi smearings. Best Granny in the world. Peeped by Mortis.

Synopsis: Irmela Mensah-Schramm, 65 years old, an heroine with no muscles nor super powers, armed with a paint spray, and a scraper, daily hunting throughout Germany looking for racist or homophobic graffiti or stickers. Indifference is her worst enemy, and to those, who minimize, she answers: "People who draw a one meter swastika on a wall have to realize what they are doing."
