Showing posts with label KAYTRANADA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KAYTRANADA. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Help refugees in the mediterranean by buying rare of of print jakarta vinyl....

head here for the auction.

as most of you will have heard people keep dying trying to make it to the european union via the mediterranen sea coming from north africa. while the victims of last weeks tragedy with more then 800 death had to wait 6 hours after they requested help, the european union still does little to nothing to save the lives of the ones drowning the ocean (intentionally?). 

Sea-watch is a private organization that has bought an old fish trawler and turned it into a watch and rescue ship which is about to start searching the mediterranen for people in need. while it should not be the responsibility of private organizations but of the european governments to manage the crisis we salute the effort and the idea so we feel like supporting it. this is an auction for a selection of some of the rarest and most demand vinyl we ever released. all unplayed and numbered originals. as some of you know some of those go for around 250-300 euro on discogs:

akua naru - the journey aflame lp
Kaytranada - kaytra todo ep
kaytranada - remix ep
v/a "winter in jakarta"

you can win the auction by placing your bid in the comment section. the auction will end friday, 6pm european time. the highest bid will win and make a donation to sea-watch, send us the proof and we will send out the records.

feel free to support by spreading the word too....

Monday, April 20, 2015

LOUIE P - Pree With Marvel Alexander & Kaytranada

Smoe a spliff on the balcony. Dont be fucking James Bond. :)


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Freddie Gibbs & KAYTRANADA - My Dope House

Hätte man mich vor ein paar Monaten gefragt ob ich mir denken könnte das jemand aus dem Hause HW&W (Enklave für Future Beats) mal etwas für Freddie "Gangster" Gibbs produziert hätte ich es direkt verneint. Ich werde eines anderen belehrt, hört selbst. Ich finde die Combo gut, denke aber das da noch Luft nach oben ist. "My Dope House" wird im Mai auch als 7inch erscheinen. Villeicht kommt ja auch eine EP. Aber nix genaues weiß man nicht.

Salut, Rosi