Thursday, February 18, 2010

Audio: Friday Night - Friday Night Remixed (Serengeti // Polyphonic // Anticon)

<a href="">Down on the Corner (Euphony Remix) by Friday Night</a>

Tracklist & Download

Friday Night ist das PartyProjekt des Anticon Protagonisten Serengeti.Anscheinend haben an dieser Remix Invasion sehr viele Producer teilgenommen, wenn man folgendem Pressetext Glauben schenken kann.Totale Freakshow°

Featuring 24 tracks from 19 different producers spanning 2 continents telling 1 story and giving it to you for 0 dollars.Remixes by: DJ Crucial, Yobkiss, Los Serpientes Minerales, Andres Renteria, Machinegewehr, TeLuv, Omid, ShamGrammar, Euphony, Deejay Pickel, Beaches or Mountains, Breakfast (Grilla + Ish), Greetings From Tuskan, Jeremy Cox, Stunt Rock, Tony Trimm, Polyphonic the Verbose and Killscreen.Stay tuned for music videos for "Down on the Corner" and "Friday Night Fever" coming in the next few weeks, and for Saturday Night, the epic sequel to the unforgettable first album. Coming Spring/Summer 2010


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