Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Automato - Walk into the Light

Automato sind keine Rock-Rap-Band, das ist ihnen wichtig. Vielmehr meinen sie mit echtem Hip Hop den sample-basierten Sound, der in einer vollinstrumentierten Band entsteht. Die sechs New Yorker benutzen Schlagzeug, Bass, Gitarre, Keyboards und Moogs. Daraus ensteht etwas, das 70´s Funk und Soul, und Indierock Ende der 80er unter der Schirmherrschaft von organischen Hip-Hop-Beats zusammenbringt. Darüber flimmern Sprechgesänge über Verlust, Hass, Sex und Gift, aber fernab von allem Gangsta-Gehabe. Rock´n´Roll verpackt in Hip Hop. Humorvoll und ernst, aber immer frisch. So unterschiedlich ihre Inspirationen zu sein scheinen, so angenehm unüblich ist ihr Sound. Denn was kommt heraus, wenn man Quellen wie David Bowie, Nas, Pixies, Kraftwerk, Pete Rock, Liquid Liquid, Talking Heads und die Beastie Boys nennt? Richtig. Etwas spannendes. Automato sind eine furchtbar angenehme Alternative zu dem Strokes-gleich-New-York-Ding. Sie sind ein Hallo-wach-Effekt und stehen 2004 für urbane Musikvielfalt, die gerade eintönig zu werden schien. Hip Hop, den auch Nicht-Rapper mögen dürfen. (tk)

gefunden auf: Tonspion

english bio:
Automato marks the first hip hop artist on Dim Mak and an explosive introduction to boot. We at Dim Mak are very proud this is ... (more) our hip hop debut. On goes the story: New York City hip hop group Automato is Alex Frankel, Ben Fries, Jesse Levine, Nick Millhiser, Andrew Raposo and Morgan Wiley. Completed in January of 2003, their forthcoming debut album was produced by James Murphy and Tim Goldsworthy of the DFA. The goal was to make an album that sounds and feels like the sample based hip hop records they love, yet capture the un-hip hop 'band' element of the group. They not only succeeded at this, but surpassed their expectations and the result is a testament to Automato's willingness to go where other hip hop groups will not. automatoAutomato's interests and aspirations lie beyond the pigeonhole of genre rap or underground hip hop and seem to branch into whatever the fuck they were feeling that day. In the process of making the album, the DFA and Automato were never without a point of reference and everyone was listening to as much music as they were recording. It was common to find Nas' Illmatic, Can's Tago Mago, Pixies' Surfer Rosa, and David Axelrod's Songs of Experience vying for time on the studio's record player. Automato's is an album that, like any good hip hop record, is a product of its influences. The vocals are somewhere between Cannibal Ox, Andre 3000, Jay Z, and Ghostface, while the beats recall a mid-nineties Pete Rock remix of Talking Heads covering Kraftwerk.

found @: RCRDLBL

Dwonload - Automato - Walk into the Light


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