Saturday, December 31, 2011

Exclusive: Geraet | Cutcannibalz - Sampo (11 Track Beat-Album)

Here we go again!
After the first Video from last week finally SAMPO  a Beat-Album from Geraet of the Cutcannibalz drops right now! 11 Tracks whittled from rich Finnish Tango and 'Iskelmä'-Samples with crunchy Drumsets. The appearance of the Tracks are underlined by an utterly beautiful artwork by Meikel Neid.

 Check all Infos and Download options after the jumpy..

Stream and Download the whole album or order a CD-R right away at
You'll even get an awesome illustrated 6 pages booklet on top in this case (wohoo).

for major quality: Download from Bandcamp
a bit worse: direct Download

While cutting down trees as a Lumberjack in north european forests, Geraet used his Schmalzstullen-breaks to compile an utmost sturdy Beattape in his coat-pocket whilst watching swimmers at the lake pretending to be ostriches and crazy rabbits looking suspiciously like they were up for no good.
One chilly, foggy day a tiny chubby machine with greenish tentacles peeked out the swamp behind his cottage and asked to make friends with Geraet.
He agreed and called it Sampo. Sampo turned out a fierce, busy helper whose long arms were efficiently pushing loggs and weed, choping samples and trees and cutting basslines, branches and throats.
Geraet decided to dedicate the Beattape to him. 


1 comment:

  1. watch a new video for one of the beats here:
